7 Tactics for Secure Video Streaming

By Emily KringsSep 28, 2022

As the internet has grown, so have cybersecurity threats. This has made everybody hyperaware of their data and media that are stored, managed, or delivered online. Unfortunately, online video content can be vulnerable to threats from pirates and unauthorized viewers.

In this article, we will discuss everything brands and creators need to know about secure video streaming. We’ll start with the basics of secure video streaming before we get into some specific tactics for secure video streaming. To wrap things up, we will discuss how to choose a secure video sharing platform.

Table of Contents

Secure Video Streaming: The Basics

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Did you know that pirated video content garnishes as many as 230 billion streams each year? This costs creators upwards of $97.1 billion each year.

These facts may be alarming to those who use video content to generate revenue or create experiences for their supporters. Not only is losing money a pain, but the sense of violation that comes with pirating and other cybersecurity threats is quite uncomfortable.

That is where secure video streaming comes into play.

Secure video streaming is an umbrella term that refers to any tools or tactics that are used to protect video content from online predators, including hackers, unauthorized viewers, and more. These protections can be as simple as requiring a password to access a video or as complex as encrypting video streams.

Benefits of Secure Video Streaming

There are a few notable benefits of secure streaming. These include:

  • Saving money (and not losing revenue!)
  • Piracy prevention
  • Security for your viewers
  • Protection of sensitive information (viewer contact details, bank information, etc.)

Above all, secure streaming creates peace of mind for businesses and individuals who use online video streaming.

7 Tactics for Secure Video Streaming

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Luckily, there are quite a few secure video streaming tactics that brands and creators can use to protect themselves from online threats. Let’s review a few of them now.

1. Password Protection

Password protection is the most basic way to protect your online video content from unintended viewers. This acts as the first line of defense and quickly weeds out people who are not supposed to have access to your streams.

It is worth noting that password protection is not completely bulletproof as passwords can be leaked and shared, so make sure that you use password protection as part of a larger video security strategy.

2. Domain Restrictions

Domain restrictions allow video creators to restrict playback of their content to white-listed domains. This allows you to control where your video player will playback from. 

That means that if a pirate tries to embed your player in a site with an unauthorized domain, it simply will not work.

3. Geographic Restrictions

Geographic restrictions allow creators to white-list or black-list viewership from select countries. This is particularly valuable for businesses that are sharing video content with their team. 

For example, if your team is located in Canada and the United States, all other countries can be black-listed to prevent your content from being shared with outside viewers.

4. Encrypted Paywall

If you’re monetizing your online streams, using an encrypted paywall is key. This protects your viewers’ sensitive information.

If you’re not familiar, what encryption does is scramble data so that it is only accessible when a recipient has the key to unscramble it. This sounds complex, but it is highly intuitive and takes place behind the scenes.

SSL encryption and AES encryption are two popular security measures that are regarded as gold standard in the tech space.

5. Secure CDN

Using a content delivery network (CDN) that prioritizes security is a must. 

To take things a step further, using a multi-CDN setup can provide even greater security. That’s because if one network is compromised, the other can step in and continue operations as normal.

Unless you are self-hosting, your CDN is typically determined by your online video platform.

6. Secure Streaming Protocols

Streaming protocols are the technology that is used to transfer data during a video stream. Some streaming protocols are more secure than others.

The most secure streaming protocols include HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), Real-Time Messaging Protocol Secure (RTMPS), and Secure Reliable Transport (SRT). 

7. Copyright Your Content

Another simple layer of defense for protecting your content is copyrighting it. This is video security tactic is less about restricting access to your content and more about protecting your rights if someone uses your content unlawfully.

Technically, any creation in the United States is protected automatically, but this can be a bit of a gray area. You can further protect your content by filing for a copyright through the US Copyright Office.

How to Choose a Secure Video Sharing Platform

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Most of the tactics we discussed above are only possible with the support of a secure video sharing platform. 

Luckily, there are many secure video sharing platforms on the market. Maestro, Brightcove, Kaltura, and Livestream are some of the most powerful options, just to name a few. 

With so many options to choose from, deciding which secure video sharing platform to use can be a bit overwhelming. Here are a few things to consider as you find the right platform for you.

Intended Use Case

The first thing to consider when choosing a secure video sharing platform is your intended use case. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you want to stream live, on-demand, or both?
  • Will you host free content?
  • Do you want to monetize your content? If so, how?
  • Is your goal to keep your content private? Or are you trying to reach a larger audience?
  • How important is brand customization?
  • How important are interactivity and engagement?

Take some time to brainstorm your greater video strategy to give yourself a better idea of what you’re trying to accomplish with your secure video streaming platform.

Platform Features

Once you are clear on your intended use case and the goals that you have set for your online video streaming efforts, you can make a list of must-have features. For example, if you want to host ticketed events, pay-per-view monetization tools are a must.

As you review potential secure video streaming platforms, compare their feature offerings against your list of must-haves. 


Once you’ve narrowed down your list to a few top contenders, it’s time to take a look at pricing. Streaming solutions with powerful security features will run you anywhere from $20 per month to over $1000 per month. It simply depends on your unique needs.

It is important to consider both subscription costs and usage costs. Some platforms charge per viewer or per gigabyte of bandwidth you use. Others include usage in the subscription cost.

Not only do you want to find the platform that will give you the best bang for your buck, but you need to find something that works in your budget.

Secure Streaming on Maestro


Maestro is a secure video sharing platform that offers several tools for brands and creators to protect their live streams and on-demand video galleries. Our secure streaming tools enable users to restrict access to their content as they see fit and prevent pirates from ripping off their content.

Sign up for Maestro today to start hosting secure streams in no time at all.

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