How to Host a Cooking Show on the Internet

By Emily KringsJun 16, 2022

Thanks to the internet, it’s never been easier to host a cooking show. Chefs, bakers, and other foodies can showcase their skills by launching a cooking show for their online audience in just a few steps.

In this post, we will cover everything you need to know about hosting an online cooking show. We’ll start by providing an actional tutorial on how to host a cooking show before we get into the steps for writing a script, brainstorming ideas, and more.

Table of Contents

How to Host a Cooking Show 

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With the support of the right tools, hosting an online cooking show is pretty straightforward. If you know your way around the kitchen, a strategy and a bit of preparation are all you need to showcase those skills and share your favorite recipes online.

Ready to become a cooking show host with a channel of your own? Here is how to host a cooking show in six easy steps.

1. Make a Plan

Since cooking shows involve a lot of moving parts, a plan is absolutely necessary. Cooking show hosts need to plan for the production of each episode in addition to the plan for the entire show.

As you create your initial plans, think of what you’re trying to accomplish with this show. Is this a passion project, or do you have more business-focused goals in mind? Do you want to build an online brand, make money, or both?

After you’ve gotten clear on your intentions and goals, create a roadmap to get you to this success. Here are a few things to consider as you make your plan:

  • Will the show be live streamed or pre-recorded?
  • Will the show be free to watch, or will there be a paywall for pay-per-view or subscriptions?
  • Will you monetize with ads?
  • Do you want sponsors? Do you have any lined up?
  • Do you have a product of your own to sell?
  • Will you publish seasons of your show, or will you post weekly indefinitely?
  • Will you need funding? 
  • Do you need a team, or do you have one?

Use these questions to guide you as you map out your next steps in becoming a cooking show host.

2. Organize Your Streaming Setup

Once you have a good idea of what you want to accomplish, it is time to get your streaming setup together. 

Depending on how professional you want your stream to be, your streaming setup could be as simple as live streaming in your kitchen from your smartphone or as complex as producing TV-grade content in a studio. However, most professional creators can make do with something in the middle.

Our suggested streaming equipment for hosting a cooking show includes:

Each of these elements is available at a variety of price points to work with any budget. 

3. Write a Script

Next, it’s time to write a script for your show. Start with an outline then put some meat on the bones. 

Even if you don’t want every moment to be scripted, it is a good idea to have a general outline to follow as you cook and present. Plus, writing a script helps you keep track of the specific measurements and instructions that you’ll share in your show.

We will discuss the specifics of how to make a cooking show script later in this post.

4. Prepare Your Kitchen

Preparation is absolutely key when hosting a cooking show. It is a good idea to measure out all of your ingredients and do any slicing and chopping before you start filming. This saves a lot of time and streamlines the tutorial.

Doing the prep ahead of time also makes it possible to film in a clean kitchen or studio kitchen.

Since things take time to cook, many cooking show hosts make the recipe ahead of time so that they can show the “final product.” Plus, this ensures that you have a perfect end result to show so that there’s less pressure if something goes wrong when you’re cooking.

5. Film Your Show

Once your streaming setup is configured, your script is ready to go, and your kitchen is prepped, it is time to start filming your cooking show. 

At this point, there are two options: record a show to upload later or live stream. Both approaches have unique benefits.

Pre-recording a show for on-demand streaming gives you time to edit and produce your show. You can create a more polished finished product that way. Live streaming, on the other hand, tends to be more engaging.

Another approach is to stream live and then have the replay available on demand. 

6. Launch Your Cooking Channel

Now, it’s time to launch your online cooking show! Either publish your pre-recorded content to your site or go live!

How to Write a Cooking Show Script

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A script is an important part of a cooking show because it helps to create structure and keep things flowing properly. 

With that said, here’s how to write a script for your cooking show.

1. Start with an Outline

Every good script starts with an outline. Jot down notes about all of the points you want to cover, from the introduction to tips and tricks throughout the actual cooking tutorial.

2. Write it Out

Once you’re happy with your outline, it is time to flesh out the script.

Don’t be afraid to bring in a writer or two for some support. After all, you’re a chef, not a wordsmith, so it’s a good idea to call on the help of a professional writer.

Make sure your script is long enough to fill the time you want each episode to run. A 30-minute script, for example, should be 25 to 40 pages long.

3. Read it Out Loud 

It’s a good idea to read the first draft of your script out loud to make sure everything flows properly. What sounded good in your head might not deliver well when spoken.

Make notes of any snags that need to be corrected in the next round of revisions. 

4. Review and Revise

When you’ve read your script out loud, you probably noticed some places that didn’t deliver as well as you intended. Take some time to review and revise your script a few times over to make sure that everything flows well and is appropriate for your audience.

Again, it is wise to bring in some support here so that you have somebody to catch mistakes you may have made or make suggestions where there is room for improvement.

Online Cooking Show Ideas

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Choosing a niche is important because it allows you to create an experience that connects perfectly with your target audience.

Here are a few cooking show ideas that you can explore as you choose a niche for your show.

Diet-Specific Cooking Shows

People follow a variety of specific diets for health reasons, ethical reasons, or simply because they have special preferences.

Host a cooking show that focuses on a specific diet. Either share recipes that normally fall into that diet, or

Some popular diets that you can showcase include:

  • Gluten-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Vegan or vegetarian
  • Keto

If you have expertise in a diet that is less common, that could work, too. It would allow you to focus on a very specific niche. Plus, you’d likely have a lot less competition, so it would be easier to stand out.

Unique Cooking Method Shows

When you start a cooking show, creating fancy dishes with stellar ingredients may feel like the way to go. However, getting back to the basics can appeal to a large audience of people who want to watch tutorials that feel more achievable.

If you have a specific method of cooking that you like, whether that be grilling, baking, or roasting, consider leaning into it. This sort of show can be done in a way that feels practical and accessible to viewers.

For example, if you’re an air fryer connoisseur, show the people how to make all sorts of meals in the air fryer. You just have to give your viewers an easy way to cook delicious meals at home, and you’ll be golden. 

Cooking with…

Celebrity cooking shows are hot right now, so if you have some notable people on your contact list, consider tapping into those connections. 

A prime example of this is Cooking with Paris, a cooking show hosted by Paris Hilton. Each episode features a different celebrity, so it draws in not only Paris’s fans but each of her guest’s fans, as well.

We recognize that most people don’t have the connections like Ms. Hilton, but this concept can be brought to life with other content creators, influencers, and media personalities. 

Themed Cooking Shows

Have some fun with your cooking show by following a theme or creating a character for yourself. As long as you’re making good food, you can get as creative as you’d like with the presentation.

It could also be fun to incorporate skits while creating actual cooking tutorials (think SNL meets Food Network). Do impressions while you make a platter of meatballs.

You could even go the route of hosting an animal-themed cooking show where every dish looks like some sort of critter. The options are truly endless.

Host a Cooking Show on Maestro

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Hosting a cooking show is easy with Maestro. Our online video platform makes it possible to get your cooking show site set up and start streaming in no time at all. You can even use Maestro to monetize your stream with ticketing, subscriptions, live shopping, and more.

What’s nice about Maestro is that you can fully customize your channels and site to reflect your brand. Plus, you can add clickable panels and overlays to make the stream interactive.

Sign up for Maestro to launch your online cooking show in no time.

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