How to Create a Video Streaming Website

By Emily KringsAug 4, 2022

Video content is a powerful tool for engaging with people both near and far. This type of media adds a lifelike dimension that is missing in static content, like text and photos. Businesses of all types and sizes can benefit from creating video streaming websites of their own.

In this article, we will dscuss the ins and outs of creating a video streaming website. We will discuss why brands might want to create a video website and how they can do so.

We’ll also take a close look at a few specific aspects of video streaming website builders, such as how to choose one and some of the top options for businesses.

Table of Contents

What is a Video Streaming Website?

Survey shows 15.7% of Japanese subscribe to video streaming services to  watch movies | The Japan Times

A video streaming website can be loosely defined as a website that houses online video content. This could include a brand’s independent website that has video streaming, or it could be a third-party platform that allows users to post their own content. 

The focus of this post is on independent video streaming sites that are used by individual businesses and creators. These platforms are like Netflix or Hulu, but they could be used at any scale. 

For example, a company can create a video streaming website to share training videos, or an agency can showcase its clients’ work.

Why Create a Video Streaming Site?

The beauty of a video streaming website is that it gives you a place to showcase your brand’s content. If you’re building an independent video streaming site, this piece of digital real estate allows you to share content on a site that you truly own. 

Creating a video streaming site of your own is a valuable alternative to relying on public video streaming sites like YouTube, Twitch, and Dailymotion because it gives you full ownership of the site and your content. With this comes full brand control and the power to make money in a way that makes sense for you.

How to Create a Video Streaming Website

Video Streaming Services | ZDNet

If you’re ready to create a video streaming website of your own, you’re in luck. Thanks to modern streaming tools, it is fairly simple to create a video streaming website.

For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to assume that you already own a domain or have a website for your business. With that said, here’s how you can create a video streaming website in six steps. 

1. Create a Strategy

When you set out to create a video streaming website, it is important to do so with a strategy in mind. Think about what you hope to accomplish with online video and how you plan to make it a reality.

Start to think about where you want your videos to live. You could put them on individual pages, or you could create a gallery of sorts. Consider the experience you’d like to create beyond the video player. Are engagement features like chat or panels important to you?

Now is the perfect time to think about your budget. This will vary depending on the resources that you have available to you and what sort of return on investment you’re expecting. 

At this stage, you can also start to brainstorm about monetization goals and the features you’ll need to make them happen.

2. Choose a Video Website Builder

A video website builder is a specific type of video hosting platform that is designed to help you create a video streaming website of your own.

Some video website builders, like Maestro, enable users to create a streaming website with drag-and-drop blocks. These tools make it possible to create complete streaming experiences complete with live chat feeds, interactive panels, and more.

Other video hosting platforms simply provide embeddable video players that can be added to a page on your website or app. This is valuable for those who are using video streaming as a secondary asset on their site or online storefront.

We’ll get into more details about choosing a video website builder later on in this post.

3. Configure Your Video Hosting Preferences

Detroit's Waymark Launches Machine Learning Platform to Speed Video  Creation - DBusiness Magazine

Once you’ve chosen a video website builder, it is time to configure you’re video hosting preferences. Add your logo and customize other elements to match your brand, for starters. Fill out any basic details, such as contact information, when prompted.

Now is also the time to set up video monetization and privacy settings. Configure your paywalls according to your monetization strategy.

If your chosen video platform has interactive features, such as panels and overlays, you can set those up, as well.

4. Set up Your Page or Subdomain

Next, set up the “home” for your video content. That could be a subdomain of your domain or a page on your website. 

You can add a subdomain through your domain hosting provider, like GoDaddy, Bluehost, or Dreamhost. Check documentation from your specific hosting provider to learn more.

If you’re embedding videos directly into your website, you’ll simply copy and paste an embed code into your site’s code.

5. Upload Your Content

Now, it’s time to upload your video content to your video streaming website builder. 

Some video website builders offer bulk upload, and others require users to upload each file manually. Bulk upload is a lot less time-consuming, so figure you which method your chosen platform uses so that you can plan accordingly.

If you plan to live stream, you can prepare your stream or channel on your video hosting platform so that you can start streaming at the click of a button when it’s time to launch.

6. Launch Your Video Streaming Site

After your content is uploaded, your video player is customized, and your site is ready to go, it is time to publish and push it live.

Upon your launch, you can promote your video streaming website with social media, email blasts, or even paid ads.

How to Choose the Best Video Website Builder

Cyber-NY to Exhibit at SXSW 2022 to Promote Logic Video :: Cyber-NY

The classification of “best” is highly subjective when it comes to video streaming website builders. What’s important is that you find a platform that meets all your streaming needs.

There are a few things to consider when determining which is the best video website builder for your needs. Let’s check them out.


As we mentioned, some video streaming website builders have different functionalities. Some are meant for embedding a white-label video player, whereas others are designed for creating full-blown video streaming experiences.

Look for a video platform that has functionality that meets your needs.

Specific Features

Beyond the general functionality, it is important to make sure your chosen platform has the specific features you need to reach your goals.

For example, if you want to sell subscriptions for access to your video website, you need to make sure that your video website builder supports that monetization method.


Video streaming website builders are available at a variety of price points, and many restrict access to features or limit usage based on the different pricing plans. 

Find a video hosting platform that offers the features and functionality you need within a budget that works for you.

Stream with Maestro 


If you are looking for a video streaming website builder with brand customization, flexible monetization, and powerful viewership and revenue analytics, Maestro is the platform for you.

Maestro offers businesses and creators the tools they need to create streaming experiences that look and feel like their brands. Plus, users have the flexibility to stream wherever works best for them, whether that be on a subdomain of their website or on Maestro.

Sign up for Maestro to build your video streaming website in no time at all.

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